Since 1910 the name ”Ludwig Schneider“ has been synonymous with the highest quality and precision ”Made in Germany“ Everything started back then with the development of high-quality temperature measuring instruments. Today we are global manufacturers of high-precision measuring technology for temperature and density. Together with our extensive product range and our modern accredited calibration laboratory, we offer our customers an all-round service that is almost unique in the industry.
Thermometers and hydrometers from Ludwig Schneider GmbH & Co. KG are used all over the world and numerous companies rely on the high precision of our instruments. In order to keep on fulfilling this demand in the future we cooperate closely with our customers and suppliers. This results in innovative solutions that convince both technically and economically – today and tomorrow.
Company founder Benjamin Schneider began developing thermometers as early as 1910. Due to his craftsmanship and wealth of ideas, he was already producing high-quality instruments for leading industrial companies and scientific institutions at that time. His first-class products established his excellent reputation in industry and research. Since then, a growing clientele has placed its trust in the high precision of Schneider.
In 1954, production was relocated to Wertheim. With this move, the cornerstone for modern production plants and further dynamic growth of the company was laid. Even today, the precise determination of temperature and density is one of the most important tasks of measurement technology – not least in environmental protection and energy supply, which have become increasingly important in recent decades.
Then, as now, the common goal is to produce highly precise instruments for measuring temperature and density. A task to which the fourth generation has dedicated itself every bit as much as their predecessors did.
Garantierte Produktqualität nach DIN/EN/ISO 17025
Bei uns ist Qualität messbar. Unsere Mitarbeiter handeln nach einem integrierten Qualitätsmanagementsystem. Dieses sichert die Prozesse im Unternehmen und bietet damit den Geschäftspartnern von Ludwig Schneider Garantie für Qualität “Made in Germany”. Nahezu alle Produkte bieten wir optional mit Werksprüfschein oder rückführbarem DAkkS-Kalibrierschein an.
Seit November 2013 sind wir außerdem als zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter für Zollrechtliche Vereinfachungen/Sicherheit (AEO-F) zertifiziert. Somit können wir auch im Rahmen der Zollabfertigung besondere Vergünstigungen in Anspruch nehmen.

AEO-F – Zugelassener
Wirtschaftsbeteiligter DE AEOF 118730
We feel committed to the issue of sustainability in a very special way. That is why we take responsibility for our future and that of our future generations.
As part of our sustainability management, we have therefore introduced a number of measures and guidelines that serve both our business partners and us as a guide for implementing sustainable practices.
Environmentally friendly materials for packaging
We use only biodegradable expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a filler for our shipping packaging, 100% of which has already been recycled. This filler can be recycled or used repeatedly. As soon as the product comes into contact with microorganisms contained in water, soil or waste, it biodegrades without leaving harmful residues.
To ensure that our glass thermometers reach our customers in an undamaged state we use robust sleeves made of 100 % recycled plastic. These can also be reused and their size can be modified. The application possibilities of the sleeves are therefore almost unlimited.
Our plastic delivery note bags have been replaced by delivery note bags made from recycled paper.
Reduction of paper consumption
We already introduced a digital document management system in 2016, reducing paper consumption by 90 %. Reducing paper consumption not only protects our local tree population. The production of a single sheet of paper uses an average of 10 litres of water. In addition, the production of a ton of paper requires just as much energy as the production of a ton of steel.
Our thermometers are mostly made of sustainable glass. This material is made almost exclusively from natural raw materials that occur in sufficient quantities in nature and can largely be mined in Germany. Glass is also 100% recyclable and can be reused an infinite number of times without any loss of quality.
However, we do not only want to improve what already exists, but also to drive forward important developments. That is why we offer our ASTM- and precision thermometers with the mercury-free ACCU-SAFE filling. In this way, we are not only responding to EU directives on the use of mercury in measuring instruments, but also making a decisive contribution to protecting the environment.
For the future, we want to further expand our commitment with regard to environmental protection and sustainability, both on a small and large scale, and thus contribute to shaping a common sustainable future.

DIN Working Group
The DIN Standards Committee on Laboratory Equipment and Facilities (FNLa) develops standards for equipment and facilities in chemical, physical, biological and medical laboratories.
Through our active participation in the standards committee for thermometers and hydrometers, we enable technologies and innovations to be successfully established on the market and create framework conditions, targets and quality standards for entrepreneurial action.
ASTM Sub Committee E20.05
ASTM International is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Through more than 150 technical standards-writing committees, ASTM providing a forum for producers, users, ultimate consumers, and those having a general interest to meet on common ground and write standards for material, products, systems, and services.
Through our participation in the committee for thermometers and hydrometers, we ensure compliance with the standards and norms set by ASTM.
VGKL – Association of Wholesale and Foreign Trade in Nursing and Laboratory Supplies
The VGKL perceives itself as a platform for dealers and manufacturers and represents around 140 companies active in the laboratory sector. As a member, we benefit from direct exchange with each other. This is how new ideas and solutions emerge.

AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement
AMA is the leading network for sensor and measurement technology and offers an overview of sensors, measurement and testing technologies with its detailed industry guide. The association supports the innovation dialogue at the leading trade fair SENSOR+TEST, at joint stands of important leading trade fairs at home and abroad and at the Sensor and Measurement Science International (SMSI).
Through the membership of our Ludwig Schneider Messtechnik GmbH, we support a strong community and connect with other innovators.